Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Something Wrong

Gue rela. Gue udah relain dia.
But there is something wrong.
Kayak ada yg ngeganjel.

Maybe, I found two reasons to answer those questions.

 Gue belom bilang secara langsung kalo gue suka sama dia.

Yaah, walaupun gue tau sih dia udah tau itu. Tapi tetep aja gue belom bilaaang.
Maksud gue... ya... biar dia cukup tau aja, kalo gue suka.

*** Just wanna tell, I did it last night.
       SEDIIIIIH :'(
       he felt it, just like me.

Yaa, tapi ini keputusan kita. Dia harus konsisten sama apa yang dia bilang. Gue pun juga harus gitu.

I wonder why they gave me those reasons without thinking what i felt.
Are they feeling guilty gave me those shit reasons?
I just wondering

over and out

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